Canada young family hiking
Places prince george canada forest
Rsz usa wyoming grand teton wildlife tour
Rsz usa wyoming grand teton national park wildlife safari
Canada young family hiking
Places prince george canada forest
Rsz usa wyoming grand teton wildlife tour
Rsz usa wyoming grand teton national park wildlife safari
Our mission

Travel sustainably with Little America

Travel nourishes the soul - and sustainable travel protects our planet and habitats. With Little America, we also want to contribute to this. Travel is the world's largest industry and one that does a lot of good for a lot of people in the world.

It employs as much as 20% of some countries' populations. This means people can support themselves, their families and their environment by looking after guests from other places.

Here at Little America, we take an action-driven approach to use the positive power of tourism.

By combining carbon offsetting and empowering small and local businesses at the heart of their communities, we ensure that the natural wonders of the United States and Canada are protected so that together, we can continue to enjoy these magnificent territories for many years to come.

Spot whales, dolphins and sea otters on this tour around northern Vancouver Island
Supporting locally-led tours and initiatives helps preserve wildlife...
Spot bald eagles and other wildlife in the USA
... for both you and locals to enjoy for generations to come

Our Philosophy: for people and planet

We are passionate about making travel more sustainable, and to achieve that, we have taken an action-driven approach that enables locals to look after their natural world.

While every single long-haul trip leaves an ecological footprint, we have taken steps to help reduce and compensate for this. We aim to ensure that every trip taken with Little America is sustainable and culturally significant!

  • We support regional tourism
  • We prefer sustainable housing and projects
  • We promote cultural exchange
A man and woman sitting on a ledge at sunset at Horseshoe Bend
Sustainable travel is important to us and our clients
© Christopher Burns / Unsplash

But what does this mean?

Deepen your cultural understanding

Tourism leaves a fairly large environmental footprint, which we as travellers can offset if we make the right decisions. We proactively seek micro and small businesses to host our clients. These businesses are run with passion by people who love their part of the world and want to share it with you.

Discover a natural landscape

North America offers some of the most beautiful natural landscapes on earth. It is important to protect them so that we can all experience these natural wonders for years to come. Tourists who travel to experience this incredible nature indirectly ensure that the natural ecosystems are protected and preserved by the local people. This creates a positive and sustainable cycle.

The locals benefit too

Our North American hosts are open-hearted and hospitable. Get to know them and see the country through their eyes. Through conversation and storytelling, you will both benefit from having your horizons broadened. At the same time, you use your money to pay local providers and in this way support their income and regional communities.

We work with Indigenous communities

Whenever possible, we work with and promote Indigenous-owned accommodations and experiences. This both supports communities and helps you learn about Indigenous heritage and knowledge with activities throughout Canada and the United States.

Take a tour on horseback through the Blackfeet Nation in Montana
© Little America
Learn about Métis history and culture in Canada

The environmental impact

It's no secret: air travel has a large "carbon footprint", or negative environmental impact. When it comes to long-distance travel, flights cause the most CO2 emissions. To reduce the environmental footprint of your trip to North America, we organise small-scale accommodations, far away from mass tourism, and make sure your stops aren't rushed to ensure slow travel is the priority. Together, we support regional tourism.

Your trip with Little America is carbon-neutral

We help you to travel more sustainably! We neutralise the flights and car journeys of every Little America trip with a climate protection project with gold status. All CO2 emissions from your trip are compensated. Your holiday with Little America is 100% carbon-neutral.

"We offset ALL of our client’s flights and driving, as well as all of our business operations (2x over)."

Andrew, Founder of Little America
Icelandair aircraft plane in the sky
We work with leading airlines like Icelandair that have sustainability practices
© Icelandair

Carbon offsetting

Little America covers these costs if you choose not to contribute

Your carbon-offsetting contributions, as well as ours, creates clean air inside people's homes. This means healthier kids and parents. Fewer trees are chopped down, and more money is leftover in the hands of people where every dollar counts. And, it helps reduce the high number of needless deaths each year.

What this means for your holiday

We ensure that your holiday with us is completely CO2 neutral. This is not the same as saying your flights don’t emit CO2, but we compensate for this through various projects like our ongoing clean cookstove project.

Our clean cookstoves in Asia reduce fuel used by 80%

"Every person who travels with us contributes £15 to clean cookstoves"

Andrew, Founder of Little America

Travel with Little America

We are passionate about making travel more sustainable. We have taken an action-driven approach to use the positive power of tourism. This enables locals to look after their natural world. We encourage you to get out there and enjoy what they have created. Are you in?

Discover more

One step closer to your dream trip

More is possible than you may think

You probably already have ideas for your holiday to the United States and Canada. Nature tours through the Rocky Mountains, spotting orcas near the San Juan Islands, or exploring the streets of San Francisco on the iconic cable car?

For the best local tips and advice, visit one of our online presentations. Meet our travel specialists and have all of your questions answered.